
How we want to be remembered?

In our epitaph you could read, they dreamed and experimented life, they imagined and took action. They were part of the fight to change the model, they did not let us alone, they built a game with which to create a better world.

Build organizations that elevate lives

We consider this in every decision


Art as a driver


Humans play to learn


Feel free to copy and make it better

Key Messages

For proactive agents in organizations

That remixes knowledge and turns work into a game

Who work better while playing

Numinia is The game

Numinia enlightens human relationships and growth

Unlike the old ways of companies

Values and Principles

We champion this values, to craft a gaming experience that's not only sustainable but deeply connects and resonates with our users.

Cosmic Harmony

Numinians serve and balance life, guided by actions with purpose, ensuring prosperity for all.


For Numinians fairness shapes every decision, fostering reality, unity, and constructive honesty.


Numinians like to be selfaware, actively inferring to minimize the surprise, exploring beyond the familiar territories, we learn by doing.

Healthy Enviroments

Numinians forge enduring relations and creations, nurturing the public good; Sustainability guides our steps.